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Diet for Anaemia

There are various factors that can cause anaemia. Sometimes a lack of iron or certain vitamins such as folic acid and vitamin B12 can result in anaemia.Iron is found in many foods and is present in two forms: haem and non-haem. Haem iron is better absorbed by the body and is found in animal products such as meat (including poultry) and fish. Non-haem iron is found mainly in plant sources such as beans, pulses and green leafy vegetables. It is also added to many foods such as bread, cereals and flour.

In order to maintain the balance of iron in our body, we must match the iron we absorb with the iron that we lose. Iron is lost in stools (faeces), urine, skin, sweat, hair and nails. In women, it is also lost during monthly periods (menstruation), which is why women need more iron in their diet. We need enough iron from our diet to maintain adequate iron levels in the long term. However, the amount we absorb cannot meet our daily iron needs, so the body conserves and recycles iron to ensure there is enough.